Checkout our newly published paper in Geosynthetics International entitled :” Physical and mechanical properties of Gravel-Tire Chips Mixture (GTCM)“
In this study, a series of experimental programs were conducted to investigate the physical properties and mechanical behavior of a gravel-tire chips mixture (GTCM). The effects of particle characteristics, tire chips-gravel particle size ratio, relative density, gravel fraction by volume in GTCM, effective confining pressure and drainage condition on shear strength and the deformation characteristics of gravel and GTCM have been investigated. Additionally, the influence of the tire chips-gravel particle ratio and gravel fraction on the maximum and minimum void ratio of GTCM were also examined. Three behavioral zones, gravel-like, gravel-tire chips-like and tire chips-like, were clearly observed and reported by varying the tire chips proportion in the mixture. Outcomes revealed that the gravel fraction along with the particle size ratio of the tire chips to gravel are the main parameters controlling the skeleton, as well as the compaction behavior of GTCM. Results of consolidated compression triaxial tests revealed that the gravel fraction, particle size ratio of tire chips to gravel and confining pressure have significant influence on the stress-strain and dilatancy behaviors of soil and the effects are more pronounced at lower tire chips content ratio in the mixture.